Our Core Values follow the acronym PIER.

P – Prayer
Constant Communication with God
Prayer is one of the most important parts of our lives as we recognize our need to remain in constant communication with God Almighty Himself, whether we are talking with and listening to the Father, Jesus the Son or the Holy Spirit. It involves glorifying and worshipping Him in praise as well as confessing where we have failed in our own strength and acknowledging there is a better way as we realign ourselves with Him. Laying our own needs and fears at His feet, we find freedom to lift up others before Him in the name of Jesus.
I John 5:14-15

I – Invite
Sharing Life Together
We value inviting because life is not meant to be lived alone. Sharing life together including the highs and the lows is why we gather. Togetherness is at the heart of the good news of Jesus because it tears down walls and builds bridges. We intentionally bridge racial, cultural, economic and gender barriers. In true hospitality, the roles of host and guest are blended. When we host we receive far more than we give which is why we invite you to learn to know Jesus together with us.
Deuteronomy 16:11

E – Exalt
Ordinary People Encountering God
We are about helping ordinary people encounter God both in our worship services and in everyday life. We value exalting God through songs that declare the truth of who God is regardless of our circumstances in life. In this we desire to be attentive to the Holy Spirit, as God works through our worship to touch our lives and the lives of those we encounter throughout the week.
Psalm 57:5

R – Restore
Transformed by God
God loves his people, and wants us to love Him, other people, and ourselves. God wants us to know how deep His love is, and sent Jesus to tell His followers how deeply He loved them. We’ve experienced that love for ourselves, and so we want everyone, those in our community, in our nation and in all parts of the earth who are like us, or those who are very different, to know Jesus, too! Knowing Jesus better is the way to knowing God’s deep love more and more. The more we know Jesus, the more we love Him, and the more we want to be like Him. The more we open ourselves to be transformed by God, the more we live free — full of hope, full of joy, full of peace.
Joel 2:25-26
*We are committed to living out these core values with an Anabaptist perspective. For more information refer to “The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective” (1995).